Events & Media

We welcome the opportunity to talk with area groups about our vegan journey, the importance of a plant-based diet in terms of our health, and the devastating effects of factory farming on animals and the environment.  If you are interested in learning more, please email us at

Events & Activities

July 9, 2016
Richmond Vegetarian Festival
Richmond, VA

July 31, 2016
Smithfield Pig Save, 1st Anniversary Vigil
Smithfield, VA

August 28, 2016
World Save Day at Smithfield
Smithfield, VA

September 24, 2016
DC VegFest
Washington, DC

Presentations & Meetings

Sunday, October 18, 2016
Bethany United Methodist Church
UMYF Meeting

Wednesday, January 4, 2017
Gloucester County Public Schools Food Services
Meeting to discuss school breakfast and lunch menus


Article in Gloucester-Mathews Gazette Journal -- August 24, 2016

Social Media